Behind the scenes of popular designers are gardeners. Their work has been and is essential to any design but often forgotten. Chatsworth Park is an example of how many people have worked over the years to reach this result, regardless of the style of the revolutionary thinkers of the times. Great work is represented by great hands; they are made of hay, with wildflowers bursting forth at their wrists in honor of Chatsworth’s farming tradition and as a link to the present fashionable ecological design style, that requires more practical knowledge of wild plant communities such as grasslands.
The only tree – ready to be planted close to its planting hole – is an English oak as a symbol of the ancient trees in the park and of the month when the show takes place: in the tree calendar the oak month begins on the 10th of June.
- Measurements: 3 m / 1.80 m / 60 cm
- Weight: 40 kg
- Materials: Hay, Twine, Iron Rods and Net
- Price: upon request

Opera realizzata da Barbara Negretti, Elisa Tomat e Julia Artico, esposta a:
RHS Chatsworth Flower Show 2017 – Peak District National Park, Bakewell
Drawings by: Elisa Tomat Elisa Tomat
Barbara Negretti
She specializes in Garden design utilizing her own studio since 2000. Educated in Landscape design at ISAD (Milan) and Fondazione Minoprio (Como) she studied Restoration of historical gardens (Florence) and Parks and gardens (Turin). She has won various awards at garden shows in Italy, such as Orticolario 2013, 1st place at Garden competition with ‘Tutti giù per terra’. She designs gardens, terraces, public spaces and exhibits respecting genius loci and she likes to use less well-known plants so as to promote greater horticultural awareness. In her designs she seeks airiness and elegance. genius loci e ama utilizzare piante meno note per promuovere una maggiore consapevolezza orticola. Nei suoi progetti cerca ariosità ed eleganza.
Elisa Tomat
During her degree in Agriculture she was a visiting student at the University of Reading where she studied Garden design and Planting design with Richard Bisgrove. She then studied Parks and gardens (Turin) and had a PhD in Agricultural ecology specializing in the restoration of species-rich calcareous grasslands on agricultural land. She worked for 7 years running her own business on a farm producing grassland wildflower seeds and now works as a garden designer, focusing on low maintenance gardens. She works adapting plants to places and not places to plants.
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