The game of the goose is one of the oldest and best-known board games and it is dedicated to a sacred animal, connected to destiny, bearer of wisdom and messenger between gods and humans. For many years, however, it has fallen into oblivion, replaced by new games.
Julia Artico proposes it at Orticolario, in a large interactive installation, highlighting its ancient symbology. It is a game of pure luck, in which the player’s fate is exclusively determined by dice. It is the metaphor of life: a path studded with pitfalls, obstacles, gratifications and trials to overcome in order to reach the final box, which symbolizes the entire existence and reunion with the ONE, with the origin.
- Measurements:
6 Geese – 50 cm x 10 cm
63 Tiles – 40cm x 40cm
2 Figures – 1,70 cm x 60 cm
Work realized and exhibited at:
Horticulture 2018
- Materials: Hay, Rope, Cort-En, Metal.
- Price: upon request.
- Weight: variable

Illustration: Elisa Tomat